Wednesday 10 November 2010

Yo, bruvs in da hood, innit. Er, yes, well, just in case you should think that I've lost the plot, I should tell you immediately that such was the salutation of tonight. Quite.

Not really a great deal to report tonight; the telly was showing a programme about food factories, or something like that, and the other one was relaying the Chelsea v Fulham match. That, along with biscuits, squash and fruit seemed to keep everyone happy. oh, and the two computers, of course, which are always popular.

The boys from the Removes who've been in France for the past ten days returned this afternoon: totally fluent in French, of course, as you can imagine, and having had a very enjoyable and productive time. Dr Harskin, who was team leader, as Sir Alan would say, held a spontaneous drinks party at his place to celebrate his return, and much fun was had by all.

Silent reading was as silent as whatever it is that are silent - lambs, innit? Oh no, mice - and now that the lights have gone out across the lodge, all is calm. Which is more than Spooks was, on Monday night.

Random, I know.

Laters. (As one says.) (I'm told.)

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