Wednesday 3 November 2010

Good evening all, and a special mention to our new fully paid-up Follower, who has managed to by-pass the extraordinary entanglement that this blog seems to require of one in order to become a full member.

Just the 10 goals today, then, as those of you who are following on Twitter will already know. Still, that's pretty good, so hearty congrats all round were offered. We had a very enjoyable get-together chez Bryan, in order to celebrate/drown sorrows, with excellent vino, fine sausage rolls and splendid cheeses. Almost everyone there, and a jolly time had by all. Even Our Leader, whom I noticed tucking heartily into a smoked Emmental - or some such.

Little things, eh? I went into Osprey to turn out the lights.

"Sir, where's the clock gone?"

"It's still there. Look." (I knew it wasn't there, as one of the hands had come adrift, but I didn't look in that direction.)

"No, but SIR! The clock isn't there!"

"I think you're a bit stressed," said I, and invited the two horological experts to accompany me to this computer. I told them that they might need to take a stress test, to which they readily agreed. And just in case any of you, dear Followers, may have had a bad day in the office/house/garden, you might like to test it out for yourselves. Here's the link - and promise me that you won't skip the instructions. They are very, very important and failure to adhere to them will result negate the process.

As for tonight's mystery of the missing league shirt, well, I think I'll pass on that. You just don't want to know. OK, you do, but when I tell you that after much ranting, counting, re-counting, checking, double-checking, a league shirt was found on the stairs, we could all breathe easily once again.

Goodnight all - and do take it easy if you get a positive result from the stress test.

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