Thursday 4 November 2010

Well, there we are, then, another day done and dusted. I wonder what the Franglais version of that is? Tout fait et torchonne (with acute accent on the e, of course), I suppose. There's a version of French that reverses the words, and whose name I cannot recall at this moment, but Nigel Pearce and I have taken that one stage further, whereby we use direct translations of English words, translate them into French, and then re-translate them into English, which enables us to use that word as the base for the re-translation into our own version of Franglais. It's complicated, but it's fun. That's the sort of cerebral pastime that happens here, in this oasis of intellectualism. (Ho ho.) It just makes us sound clever, especially in the coffee queue, when we're guffawing with imbecilic laughter at a word we've used as a Franglais word that starts with the letter s. (Thus enabling us to dispose of the said letter, and replace it with an e acute, you see, due to the acute (and the circumflex, of course) indicating that once upon a time there was an s next to the e.)

I think I'll shut up now, as in re-reading the last paragraph back to myself, it does seem to be possessed of a touch of the Salvador Dali. (In written form, of course.)

As for things Newtonian, well, Mr Porter's been on duty, and as I've just seen him and thanked him for his expert help, it seems that all has gone well once again. I've now taken over the controls once again, and let's hope we don't have any Airbus incidents akin to those of this morning. All engines are fine at the moment.

Good night all - and big hugs to any Newtonians who may be sous le temps a la maison a ce moment.

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