Tuesday 2 November 2010

So, then, another Newtonian milestone is notched up as NFN becomes Twitterable. Honestly: what a load of semantic tosh I churn out each night. Anyway, I'm delighted to see that I already have a goodly number of followers over on the Twitter channel, so thank you for tuning in. As Mrs B said, 'Enjoy'!

Now. To the small matter of football. May I humbly enquire which particular website it was that opined that Mr W Rooney would be remaining with Manchester United? Think: yes, that's right: this one. Which means, as you will recall, that I am owed half a sweet ration. Actually, just to prove that I'm not the ogre you might imagine, I've waived the debt.

I've been given - yes, given - a harpsichord. As you can imagine, I'm thrilled, but it's in a sorry state at the moment, and will need a good deal of TLC. Fortunately, I've found a gentleman who restores such lovely instruments, and, other than the fact that I'll have to take the deeds of my house along when I settle up with him, he assures me that it will look like a new one when I go to collect it. It will certainly be a wonderful Christmas present. To myself. (Not quite the Aston Martin I was hoping for, but probably similar in cost.)

Holby was 'quite' good tonight, we thought - and Mr Hansen is certainly ruffling a few feathers. New brooms often do, I find.

Night night.

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