Tuesday 23 November 2010

As I write tonight, the police helicopter is doing one of its nocturnal hovers, endeavouring to swamp a criminal or two in glorious and brilliant light. Oh yes, very festive. Except that it keeps the boys awake and annoys the rest of us with its persistent whirring. Oh well, c'est la vie.

The inspectors are still here, and there have been more meetings of all kinds, with all and sundry. And indeed with us. We attended a lodgeparents' interrogation - sorry, I mean, meeting - and I hope that by employing a mixture of suitable soundbites, buzz words and contemporary terminology, Mrs C and I might remain in employment for a little while longer. I was quite proud of 'Of course, the HCF of lodgeparenting has to be communication', which caused pen to meet with paper, and also 'the six pillars of lodgeparenting have to be safety, structure, routine, happiness, health and achievement'. It is, of course, a good job he didn't ask me to explain HCF, in view of my self-confessed mathematical ineptitude.

Tonight, Mrs C and I have been off duty, with Mr Bryan on the bridge, but we've been in close contact, with both of our mobiles about our person at all times as we chomped away at our Chinese take-away, lest the Chief Inspector should decide to do his own follow-up to his colleague's visit last night. Mrs C forbade me from partaking of any alcoholic liquor - at least, until 9.00pm, after which, and I quote, 'You can consume six bottles of wine one after the other'. I did not exactly endear myself as I went through the list of my selection for such a terrific opportunity. I do want to assure you, dear readers, that I am not that irresponsible, and that not a drop has passed my lips all night.

So that's the state of play. I think all has gone well, and the inspection concludes tomorrow afternoon. Normal service will be resumed very soon - and I think the exams have all gone satisfactorily.

The helicopter is still buzzing, and I can't see any masked persons with striped shirts and a stick with a bag marked 'swag' anywhere nearby. I think it's going to be a noisy night.

Goodnight, all.

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