Thursday 25 November 2010

My apologies. This post is a little on the late side, I'm afraid, but only because I've been down at the Oxford University Club, fraternising with one of our OSs. Great fun, and all very nostalgic, and a great way to celebrate the departure of our Ofsted friends. I love it down there: there's something very entertaining about the ways of the academic elite that makes me smile inwardly, andf I love seeing the profs and all the rest trying to make sense of the bar menu, etc. I became a member as a result of my 1970s student days, and in addition they seemed to approve of my research fellowship, so I feel rather privileged to be there, really. (It's taken long enough.)

Mr Porter was at the helm tonight, lest any of you should be concerned that I had abnegated my responsibilities and had disappeared among the dreaming spires, leaving your young to look after themselves. Mrs C gave me a cordial greeting upon my return, telling me that all was well.

So not much to tell, really. The Ofsted result was excellent, you'll be pleased to learn, and you may rest assured that your LMs are considered to be in good hands. (To be fair, though, you are the best judges of that.)

Exams are over, and there has been another collective sigh of relief today. Most things seem to have gone well, with just the occasional blip, but don't worry: all will be well. As those of you with younger children will discover, the prep school anxieties (and there are always many) will seem very trivial in a few years' time. You just have to trust me on that one.

Until tomorrow, then,


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