Monday 10 May 2010

You know, your LMs are not quite such little men as they were! It's been what you might call a 'spirited' evening tonight, and your correspondent indulged in a fair amount of spleen-venting. I couldn't quite work it out: were they just in high spirits, or had there been something in supper that caused such excitement? I wonder. Anyway, to cut a rather uninteresting story short, silent reading began rather earlier than it usually does tonight, which becalmed the troops considerably. Interesting to note, though, that one or two just pushed the envelope a bit this evening - but not as much as they thought they might .......

That said, there isn't a huge amount to report, therefore. All a bit noisy and slightly irritating, not least because I'd had cause to utter one of my dire threats, namely that I would switch the dorm computer off if a gaggle of Newtonians didn't stop talking while I was talking, and, as they didn't, I did.

Which reminded me of a former HM for whom I worked, who recounted the story of how he'd walked into a public school dayroom when he was a housemaster there (no names, but it's near Northampton) grabbed a record player that was emitting many decibels and carried it out of the room in a fury. The ambience of his rage was greatly enhanced by the fact that he'd forgotten that it had a plug at the end, which caused a whole load of sparks to fly all over the place.

Very metaphorical.

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