Thursday 6 May 2010

I learnt today - indeed, I think I did already know it - that George Dubbya, when president, liked to be in his pyjamas by 9pm. What a thought. Still, I suppose looking after Newton is a little different from dealing with the world generally and the US particularly. I mean, how would I cope with international incidents, illegal activities and ........ no, I must stop this habit of incorporating sub-texts into my nightly meanderings: I shall get myself into trouble one day.

Presumably by now all of us have cast our vote to usher in the next prime ministerial incumbent. Mrs C and I went up the road and both put our crosses next to ......... oh, wouldn't you just lerv to know?! Actually, I think using the Eurotunnel as an enormous wine cellar has some merit as a policy - as long as our French cousins are in charge of it, that is.

The garden provided pleasure for many tonight, and no doubt Mr and Mrs Bryan, who live just over the fence, were able to enjoy the happy sound of the young at play for half an hour. Mr Bryan informed me this morning that his Mrs B, on hearing an unexpected racket from the other side of the fence last night, sent a text to her husband (he was elsewhere; they don't send texts to each other when they're watching the telly - as far as I know) enquiring whether anyone knew that the boys had escaped. I assured him - and indirectly, of course, her, that all was in order and I was completely in control of the situation.

Have a lovely short leave - and, as always, thanks for reading.

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