Friday 21 May 2010

Good evening, one and all - and welcome to the 164th bloglog. No, I couldn't believe it, either, but that's what the log of the blog says, so it must be true! I wonder how many words that is. I suppose I could copy all the entries onto a massive Word document and then do a word count, but frankly I think life's too short for that kind of saddo activity.

Good news, my friends: all the Winchester entrants have been successful, and we're told that some of the results are very good indeed. However, because that fine establishment seems to like to do things slightly differently from the norm, the list of successes arrives one day and the results arrive the next. J'attends les resultats avec impatience, as our French friends more appropriately put it. (With an accute accent on the e of resultats, of course, but it would take too long for your correspondent to discover how to do that, and this computer would probably explode in the process anyway.)

Dr Dean has been on duty this evening, enabling Mrs C and me (yes, you know it is) to go for a brief stroll around the perimeter of Cutteslowe Park. Nicer than it sounds, as it adjoins - well, I was going to say rolling, but it's more sort of rather uninspiring, though pleasant - countryside. I use the word countryside with some hesitation, as you don't find a huge amount of it in North Oxford. Not many beaches, either. The residents seem to have conned the good Doctor into believing that the large and hugely effective water pistols that have lain in the boys' garden since Mr Pugsley's departure, were in service, and - erm, well, let's just say that there are some things it's better for you not to know.

While awaiting inspiration for this paragraph, I absent-mindedly moved my mouse over the various icons at the top of this text box. (Honestly, whoever would have thought that I'd ever be writing about mice moving over icons! Actually, come to think of it, perhaps in some Orthodox churches that is, in fact, what happens. Now I really am getting into the realms of the bizarre. Sorry.) Anyway, to return to the thread, apparently I can 'remove formatting from the selection'. What jolly fun that must be! I must try it sometime.

Until tomorrow, then.

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