Wednesday 12 May 2010

I wonder if any of you, dear Followers, were listening to Radio 5 Live this morning, just before 8am. If you were, you would have heard the friend I mentioned last night, giving his thoughts about Mr Cameron as a prep school pupil! I had received a text message from him, (my ex-headmaster friend, not Mr Cameron - that would have been a coup!) about half an hour beforehand, telling me that he was to be interviewed, and so I duly tuned our rather ancient wireless into the appropriate frequency and duly listened, as instructed! Facinating it was, and, as I might have expected, my associate was the epitome of diplomacy as he reminisced about Heatherdown days! He's a great mate to have, because although (even at the age of 53) he's no longer a headmaster, he has more contacts in the prep and public school world than I've had hot dinners, as they say, and there's not much that he doesn't know about who's who and what's what in the independent sector! I always look forward to my meetings with him, as you can imagine!

It was 'fragrance night' again tonight, and once again the place assumed the aromae of classy houses of ill-repute. (I imagine.) I was invited to sniff the various lotions and to give my considered pronouncements about them. I did so, and started a trail of offerings, ranging from - oh, you know, you've heard it all before. Coconut oil and balsam: very like Linseed oil, as far as I could tell. (There must be cricketing quips to offer to you there, but I can't for the life of me think of one. In other words, I'm completely stumped. Ha! I bet that creased you up!)

We had a lofge meeting earlier, and I was able publicly to thank the Simpson family, for it is they who are the table tennis benefactors, and there was, as you would rightly expect, a spontaneous round of applause. I was able to inform the residents that it was arriving on Friday, and, with any luck, if I was going to be anything to do with its assemblage, they would be able to use it on the last day of term. (I shall, I think, seek the counsel and practical advice of Mr Nicholl.)

That's enough for tonight - and, hooray! The Beeb has re-scheduled Holby for tonight! Thank heavens for Sky plus! Night night.

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