Thursday 20 May 2010

You know I said that I was definitely going to sleep well last night? I didn't. Dreadful, it was: hot, close, hopeless. Thus I awoke in a bit of a grump - and it would have required a pretty good set of sequences for my humour to improve! As always, SF provided exactly that. All Newtonians ignored my apparent petulance totally first thing this morning, and I ended up discussing whether or not one should surround one's library with boats if there were ever to be a Cockermouthian flood in one's area, following an item on the Breakfast news about flood recovery. Surreal? Yes. In fact I had to pinch myself to make myself realise that I had, in fact, woken up and wasn't in the middle of some Dali-esque dream.

The rest of the day went from OK to better, and it culminated this evening with a wonderful Evensong service in the chapel of Keble College. How privileged we are to be able to sing in these amazing places. I was able to enjoy a 'service off' from the organ stool, as my dear friend and former colleague Mr David Langdon, ex-Director of Music, played this year. And very well he played, too. A very happy journey back from Keble provided a lovely and fitting end to what had been, surprisingly, in view of my bad mood when I woke, another great day.

Sleep well. You never know: I might, too.

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