Sunday 23 May 2010

Wow! What an amazing day! As I walked around the school campus during various parts of the day, it was tremendous to behold so many happy boys pursuing their various interests and hobbies: so many different activities, so much enthusiasm. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be their age again? I must say that I loved my prep school days, especially in the summer. That, of course, was long before H and S stepped in to ensure that ........... - no, I mustn't. (Until I retire, that is, when I shall be able to speak - and write - freely about education, and my various takes on educational practice. Many of you have kindly let me know that you enjoy following my nightly meanderings, but I really am looking forward to writing entirely without let or hindrance!) Back to my prep school days. We were allowed to drive old cars around the grounds, we were allowed to buy 'fizzy pop' from the HM on Saturday nights before diving into the swimming pool, we were allowed to roam freely around the open countryside where the A34 is now, and we played in the school woods (and - shock, horror! we actually climbed trees!) for hours on end. And do you know what? Every day was sunny, just like today!

The Chaplain led the service this morning, dressed in jeans, trainers, a denim jacket and a dog collar. It's not the appearance of someone that matters, he told us, it's the person him/herself. Interesting.

Yes, it's been a very good day. And all Newtonians seemed content, relaxed and happy tonight - which is just as it should be. These are the days of their lives - as Phil Collins rightly opined. I wish I could remember the name of that album: it was very cleverly produced, as he played every instrument and sang every part himself, and then multi-tracked it. It began with E, I seem to remember ........ it'll come to me tonight: I'm sure it's in the CD rack.

Nearly Long Leave.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to let you know that George is now reading your blogs (with great interest!) - home already following successful surgery. His leg is raised, covered in bandages and he's watching Top Gear with the dog on his lap and for once his mother is not nagging him to play outside and take advantage of the weather!! He sends his best to all in Newton.
