Tuesday 18 May 2010

Greetings. It was our half day yesterday, and there seemed to be much to do and plenty to enjoy: so much so, that all of that, in addition to what I call 'YDS' on the computer, rendered access to this hopeless machine impossible.

Still, the grass was mown, back and front, and we enjoyed a very pleasant family lunch before Mrs C and went for a lengthy stroll along and around the meadows behind Wolfson College. I don't doubt that many if not most of you have read 'A High Wind in Jamaica', by Richard Hughes, and if you have, you'll know that his desciptions of the various pathways are beautifully written - and that's how our walk seemed to me. Beautiful paths, sunlight and overall effectiveness in simplicity.

The late afternoon was spent in the company of some of elder daughter's friends from South Africa, followed by the joy of listening to Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto, (on a CD!), and no prizes for guessing what we were watching at 8pm!

A great day - and I feel ready for anything now! No, really, I do!

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