Thursday 13 May 2010

I promised that I wouldn't bang on any more about Mr Cameron's teacher, but when I turned the pages of the DT this morning and my eyes alighted on page 10, whose words should I see being quoted but my educational friend. Fascinating. He once told me that before one leaves the planet, one should turn left instead of right when boarding an aeroplane! Upon reading what he had to tell about travelling on Concorde, I sent him a text saying that now I knew that he had turned right when getting on a 'plane at least once ..... ! (He replied immediately, opining that 'there are many things one does when one is young that one regrets!)

That's it now. No more swanking about my contacts. Especially as I know that any one of you, my dear Followers, could outdo me contact-wise in one fell swoop. (But perhaps not in the world of independent education .... )

I'm off-duty tonight and I can hear the happy sound of contented jollity emanating from the dorms. I'm sure Mr Bryan has it all under control. No, really: I know he has.

I wonder how our scholars have done? We should hear very shortly - in fact, Mr BT probably knows already. I'll keep you posted. For now, though, I'm completely mother-of-pearled (translate it into French and you'll see what I mean) and so I'll call it a day.

Until tomorrow.

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