Monday 17 May 2010

And here I am again. I'm sorry I was absent last night, but we did indeed have a wonderful evening chez BT, and much was discussed, from politics to educational methodology to things oenological to, well, you name it, we talked about it.

The new table tennis table is now in full swing and is already very, very popular! Most people enjoyed it tonight, and I have already been asked whether I would be happy to wager 50 sweet rations on whether I can beat one of the boys! H'm, yes,I think I'd better re-phrase that - in case anyone from social services is tuning in! I mean, of course, whether I can gain supremacy in a table tennis challenge. (Having said that I could, I was then informed that the same challenger had already bet another Newtonian 50 sweet rations, but, due to something that happened over at school, this had been reduced to 20. Confused? Yes, so was I.) Anyway, Mr Bryan, who is the t.t. supremo of SF, is on duty over here tomorrow night, and he is drooling at the prospect of being able to avail himself of the wonderful new facility.

Latest shower-avoidance technique is to claim that one has had a 'vol swim' before coming over to lodge. Nice try, and almost successful - until Mrs C, the voice of sense and reason, pointed out that chlorine needed to be washed out of hair.

That's it for tonight, then. The good ship Newton is in fine shape.

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