Monday 24 May 2010

Mr Bryan night tonight, and all seems to be well. To be honest, Mrs C and I took Isla for a stroll around the grounds for the most part of the Newtonian activity, so I'm rather assuming that all was as it should be - and indeed, I have no reason to believe that it would not have been. I understand from my learned colleague that he's been explaining the technicalities of the table tennis serve - which is another essential part of a boy's education. (That's another word I always type incorrectly - look: eductaion. eductaion. ecuation. eccuation. ecuation. Honestly: I typed each one of those at my normal typing speed (which is reasonably fast) and that's what happened. Anyway. To return to my assistant lodgemeister. I'm having an interesting oenological discussion with the same about Australian vino. I opine that there isn't a palatable Australian economy red that isn't basically gloop. He thinks I'm a poor, misguided soul that needs - oh no, here we go again - edcuation in matters pertaining to antipodean viniculture. Australian white, I should add very quickly, for reasons of diplomacy, is mainly excellent and extremely drinkable. Fortunately for the both of us, Mr B (as his initials will have it) has risen to the challenge. He's probably right - although the now-departed Mr Pugsley and I had the same 'discussion' - and he never managed to win me round. (OK, once - but he did spend an inordinate amount of money on a single bottle!)

Aha! Mrs C has just intercepted some Curlewites running around! I have to admit that it is very, very hot - not least because our dear heating engineers came to mend a radiator and have had to leave the heating on for a week to 'test it out'. My dear spouse was not happy (nor was your correspdent) and if you've seen the Fawlty Towers episode in which Mrs F has a go at the hapless Mr O'Reilly, you'll be able to 'picture the scene'.

I may not be able to write tomorrow night, as I'm off to the Big City for a meeting of the music college on whose board I sit. (The HM of Winchester is also involved with the college, btw, so I may be able to get some results out of him ..... !)

Until next time, then.

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