Sunday 6 March 2011

There's a Facebook abbreviation, in common use, which incorporates the use of the letters O, M and G. I tell you that, dear Followers, because I have just been enjoying animated text-messaging with our elder daughter, Hannah, whom many of you have met, in which she was getting very excited about the fact that, on the train back to Bristol, she sat next to one of the stars of Casulaty!! Can you imagine the excitement in the Cheater household at such tidings? His name is Jack Bence, apparently, and although I have yet to google him to find out more info, he's been in the series several times already. His script, Hannah tells me, was sticking out of his pocket, which enabled her to discern his name, and it seems that he wasn't being overly-discrete about certain aspects of the series .... ! Well, there you are. How shall I top that?!

I can't top it, of course, so I will change to Top Gear. (Ha! that worked before I realised it!) To Mr May, to be more specific, and to tell you that he informed the world, in his Saturday DT column, that it was the 100th of the same. Splendid: that means that there is a way in which I have managed to outdo him. He has some way to go before he'll catch me, especially if he writes only once a week. Still, I suppose he could claim that he receives rather more remuneration than I do for writing this (the top journos get a pound a word, allegedly: rather more than the 40p a word I get for writing for the same journal), but then I bet his audience isn't as kind and appreciative as mine - as this post indicates .... ! And I suppose I don't write 1000 words a time, either. OK, I concede defeat. Again.

Tonight in Newton all has been well, not least because of the individual packets of Orios that were on offer. Dark chocolatey, biscuity outsides and white creamy insides: goodness, the scope for similes there is mind-boggling. I will resist the temptation, you'll be relieved to hear, this being a family blog. Orange segments, kindly cut up by Mrs C and Miss Alex, and the dorm tidiness prize for Kingfisher dorm this week, so well done them.

I was rather thrilled to discover from my school mag that my English master at school, Adrian Greeves, went on to become first the Dean of Clare College, Cambridge and then the Senior Proctor of that fine university. Brilliant, he was - and I bet he never imagined that one of his former pupils would go on to such great things as blog-writing. My other hero, also an English beak, was Mr Wilkinson, who remains in the memory as the one who couldn't stand Mr Elliott, the geology beak, but found himself taking our hockey game together. Mr W blew the final whistle and screamed at us: 'Sticks to me, and BALLS to Mr Elliott'!

It's a good job you're all broad-minded ....


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