Wednesday 9 March 2011

Indonesia is the latest location to which I appear - am - broadcasting, so welcome, my friend(s), if you are the audience therein.

Tonight, I won't bore you rigid with my fixations about grammatical issues; rather, I will tell you that we had another in our series of nit checks, overseen by Mrs C and Miss Alex. Of course, I would have been only too willing to have been part of the management team for same, but I felt that having a 'thumb match', after receiving an invitation to become my challenger's adversary, was more my sort of activity. The football match provided entertainment for some, and the lodge computer offered alternative entertainment. More orange segments were on offer, as were bananas, apples and Bourbon bics, with only one of the latter managing to secrete itself by means of a hired hand past the eagle eyes of You-Know-Who. Still, not to worry, as a member of another Third Year lodge, as I passed him in school, informed me that he had given up chocolate for Lent and offered six of his Maltesers to me. Notwithstanding my protestations, he insisted that I would make a particularly worthy recipient, and so, in the end, I had no option but to accept his kindness, and guzzle the lot.

You know, I'm struggling to think of much else to tell you tonight: it's been a very 'normal' day, insofar as we ever have any of those here. Duty this afternoon, games with my erstwhile pupil, Mr Hawkins (that makes three of them on the staff now: Messrs Edwards, Corry and Hawkins); detention duty, and all the usual sort of schoolmaster things that one does. Nice lessons this morning: two French, one Latin and two English, always a pleasant mix, a very enjoyable lunch with a few Removes on their table and an equally refreshing supper with a group of Second Years, and now I'm writing this blog.

I could, I suppose, tell you that when I was watching 'World's Greatest Motorcyle Rides' the other day, there were a few shots of the very places in Bel Air, Los Angeles, that Mrs C and I visited/stayed at when I was tutoring to the stars all those years ago, or throw in a bit of free advertising for my proposed post-retirement international tutorial agency whose website is being designed at the moment, but I expect the latter falls into the realms of insider dealing or something, and as for the former, well, that's just swank, really.

Until tomorrow night, then,


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