Wednesday 2 March 2011

Oh dear. 45 people logged on to this site yesterday, and once again there was nothing to be seen. I'm sorry, loyal people, but I was out on the raz, you see. I think some of you know that in the last two years I've reconnected with a former pupil of mine from the 1970s: he's now the head of global something-or-other with one of the big banks, which is nice, and he had kindly invited me to join him for supper at a very fine bistro in Baker Street. So that was all very pleasant. Before that, though, I'd agreed to meet up with my son and heir in another bistro in Pentonville Road, which I did, and was able to meet the girlfriend upgrade, too. I must say that he seems to have inherited his father's good taste when it comes to such things as are easy on the ear and easy on the eye, and a combination of Japanese, Lebanese, Greek and American is as tasty as the croque monsieur that Bistro de la Gare in Pentonville Road offers. (Incidentally, they love speaking in French there, but ironically they've named their croque-monsieur 'Mister Croc', which I, ironically, re-translated into 'Monsieur le Croc'. They, failing to appreciate said irony, responded with 'Ah, le croque-monsieur!' All rather daft, really.

Anyway, dinner in the rather more upmarket Galvin proved to be a real treat, and I'm sure you will know it. If not, then it's at 66, Baker Street. Lord Archer was another guest, a few tables away, but didn't seem to notice me.

So that's why there was no blogpost last night, as I returned at just after midnight, having taken a very slow fast train from Paddington, and this time I was convinced that no-one would log on at one in the morning. I may be wrong.

Today, though, is our younger daughter's 18th birthday. Mrs C and Hannah have gone to take her out for a birthday meal in Wareham, the town of my childhood, at a place on the quayside called The Granary, which I can recommend, should you be passing through that fine town. You may be wondering why I am not there, too, and at the risk of sound precious, when I tell you that it was well-nigh impossible to re-arrange management duty, main duty, dentention duty, supper duty, games with Game 3 and lodge duty, you may see why I'm holding the fort here. Still, I did have a pleasant supper of what was described as 'Naverin of lamb' and 'spicy pork', with a number of 5th Years, and I was able, after that , to speak with Alice on the telephone.

Tonight, being TV night, I was asked if a few could watch Top Gear in our snug. Well, yes they could, if it had been on, so no, they couldn't. That did not prevent a snuggian invasion, however, and 'Junior Masterchef - Australia' was the chosen programme. When I asked why, I was told by one of the rezzies that he 'wanted to hear the accent'. The fact that he could have gone into the corridor, where Miss Alex was counting the leagues and cords, seemed to have passed him by.

Thank you for your kind and sympathetic comments about our loss of dear Jasmine. We have greatly appreciated your thoughts, and we - especially I, who was particularly fond of her - are so grateful for your kindness.

Time to go. I'm sorry if you've been disappointed recently about the non-blogs, but normal service can now be resumed, and I hope you will continue to enjoy the nightly posts, of which this, incidentally, is number 321.


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