Sunday 20 March 2011

Good evening, all, and welcome to post number 336. Random, I know, but there we are.

I've just been fraternising with the Registrar of Harrow, over a plateful of very decent curried something or other, and some half-decent vino, and I was amused, as I said to a few of you at the HM's reception, that a queue formed in New Room, with so many wanting to exchange a few words with His Highness. He's such a nice chap, and I was able to chat informally for a while, which is fine, because I don't have a potential Harrovian son! If I did, oh boy, would I be in that line-up ..... !

What a lovely day it's been. OMG, I'm now writing about the weather, how sad is that? My daughters would be ashamed of me. But it has, actually, and Miss Alex, who, as you know, comes from other, southern hemispherical climes, has been enjoying the sun. So have I and so has Mrs C, whose formative years in teaching were spent in Kenya, which she and I have much enjoyed visiting subsequently. Flying into the Mara in a friend's four-seater 'plane was an experience I shall never forget, not will I forget our stay in the Costa Rican Consulate, which acted as our home for the time we were there .... !

The organ was playing up tonight: did you hear it? Major panics behind the scenes, with Mr Music-Price and I trying to sort it all out. I think we just about got away with it, but only just, and that's the biggest organ crisis (stop it) I've had since I've been the school organist.

Dear Followers, I think that is that for tonight.

Goodnight, one and all.

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