Sunday 23 January 2011

You know, when I think back to my own prep school days, back in the 1960s, I remember having a really great time in so many ways; not least when the HM used to invite some of us to his quarters to listen to classical music. I was thinking, tonight, that not much has changed, except that instead of listening to music, my guests (who had opted to come through, rather than accepted any kind of invitation) and I were enjoying watching the first of the new series of Top Gear. And very good it was, too.

Talking of cars, as I was (because that's what Top Gear is all about, lest any of you should not be aware of such things), and also continuing the theme of my prep school days, no-one ever believes me when I tell them that the HM allowed some of us thirteen-year-olds to drive an old car around the grounds - but he did, and that was fun, too. Can you imagine what H and S would have to say about that?!

It's been a great weekend, active, what with 'Just a Minute' last night, and then various other responsibilities. One of my pleasures, though, was to wander over to the model railway room and discover to my absolute delight, that the members have managed to get three trains to run simultaneously! Wonderful work: so well done the club sec and assistants, all of whom are Newtonians. We're now planning an 'official re-launch' in the near future, when we can show off all that's been happening.

As for tonight, well, Kit-Kats, fruit, dorm-tidiness prizes (well done, Osprey) and other such things have made for a good evening, and it was with very great pleasure that we welcomed Miss Alex's parents to Newton, who are on their way to France for a bit of ski-ing before returning down under. I was presented with a lovely bottle of Australian wine, which I shall greatly enjoy.

So, on to the next week - and the run-up to short leave. I can't believe it's nearly upon us already!

Goodnight, one and all.

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