Thursday 13 January 2011

Ah, the contented sound of slumber, as the rezzies journey softly to the land of Nod. Cares and worries are fading, the calm serenity of peaceful rest surrounds your offspring and the world is a better place.

I wish. As I type, Mrs C has intercepted a post lights-out, inter-floor 'disturbance' with the precision of an ICBM (I know, very sixties) and, if I'm honest, I think, from the right royal rollocking that I can overhear, I'm glad I'm where I am, cocooned in my bunker above the stairs.

There will now be a short pause, while I receive an update on the situation.

Tum-te-tum; la-la-la; twiddling of thumbs ........ Well, the report began with the word 'Unbelievable', expressed with some force, so that wasn't a good start, and it seems, from the intelligence offered, that a few thought they'd 'try it on'. Which, it seems, in view of the items involved, they undoubtedly did, but on rather unorthodox parts of the anatomy. The head, I mean, in case you're wondering.

Oh well, the perpetrators will be missing the film, apparently, but I've received instructions that I am not to 'carry on getting cross tomorrow morning, because our newcomers will think they've come to a horrid lodge'. Of course I won't. I shall be the epitome of sweetness and light, as I see them out and wish them a happy day, and I promise that they won't even have an inkling of the gritted dentures.

Over in main school everything has been brought back to normal very quickly. Academic pursuit is in full swing once again, and the sporting arena is full of action and adventure. There's been a new initiative, though, and that is that all staff are invited to coffee with the HM in the HM's drawing room every Thursday from now onwards! And very nice it was, too. (Although I was rather hoping for a biscuit upgrade. Still, mustn't frumble: you know me and biscuits. Frumble: what a great word. To frumble. Nice. Present participle: frumbling. That's nice, too. However, the whole thing sounds rather suggestive of things that farmhands get up to in haylofts, so I'd better confess that it was a typographical inexactitude, and that I mean grumble. Obvioulsy.


Goodnight - from a silent Newton ...... (!)

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