Saturday 15 January 2011

Goodness me: Casulaty (see, I still can't type it correctly) was a bit heavy tonight, was it not? I think Ruth's having a breakdown myself, and I have to say, it's not surprising. As for Nick Jordan getting the job he's been after and now about to leave the E.D., well, I suppose that was inevitable, really. And have you noticed that Holby now has a different producer? My friend Diana Kyle seems to have left the show (for that, dear friends, is what it is), so I shall e-mail her and get the low down.

Back to the , erm, 'normality' of Newton. You'll be glad to hear that the upstairs lights are now functioning again, after our wonderful maintenance team went walkabout in the loft, to discover that there was a tiny leak from the roof, and that this had caused the fuse to blow. The LMs, of course, thought the whole episode was entirely brilliant (actually, of course, it was anything but) and were very disappointed to come across to a fully illuminated lodge.

More electrical problems manifested themselves tonight, however, as the DVD player failed to function once again - as is now customary at the beginning of every film. However, before long we had done all sorts of clever things, and placed scart leads in various sockets (with the lodgemeister exuding an air of tenchnical superiority - spurious, but effective, as I haven't really got a clue) and, thanks to a bit (lot) of semi-oriental know-how, the player burst into life and all was well. This resulted in a spontaneous round of applause, at which point I publicly shook the hand of my assistant and plunged the room into darkness. Deliberately this time. Sweet rations were then handed out and we moved on.

As for the non-viewers from the nocturnal fashion show, they went upstairs and read a book, and then went to sleep - and I've promised them I'll never mention the incident again.

So that's the current situation in Newton. No, I'm not going to be tempted to indulge in another list of electricity puns: I did that last term. Some of you thought I was being a bright spark, just because I thought I'd socket to you. Ohm my goodness, I'm doing it again. That's enough for tonight - although ......

.... if you hear of anyone who wants to know what happens in this lodge, give the blog a plug.


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