Tuesday 25 January 2011

We're coming up to the 300th blog-log, dear friends, and that will happen in three days' time. I must think of some way in which to celebrate, possibly by doing something very excitingly daring such as typing in a different colour. Or font. Or some such. You'll just have to wait and see.

As it's Tuesday, Mrs C and I have been off duty, and, save for a persistent thumping from the common room above our snug (which, on obergrupenfuhrial investigation proved to be no more than someone tapping their foot on the floor) during Holby City, all has been calm, so my excellent deputy has obviously had everything under control. I'm still curious to know why so many of the Holby cast are leaving the series: I really must ask those in the know. Trouble at t' mill, I suspect. I do enjoy Mr Hanson's pithy comebacks, I must say: I wish I could be so apposite so quickly. There's a book, I think, containing some of the finest retorts made by eminent people; it's called 'I wish I'd said that', but I've only ever browsed through its pages, and that was years ago now.

I keep meaning to tell you about how the Newton Blog featured (features) in the most recent Ofsted inspection report! I hadn't noticed it myself, so thank you, loyal Follower, for drawing it to my attention, and, as I said to my informant, I think (but cannot prove) such a mention is an international first. I know there's a HM in New Zealand who writes a regular blog (Huntley prep school), but whether it's ever featured in an inspection report I don't know. Anyway, the NB wouldn't have been mentioned if you, dear readers, hadn't told the inspectorate about it, so - thank you very much indeed.

I think that'll do for tonight, revelling in indulgent self-aggrandisement as I am, so I crave your forgiveness, and wish you goodnight.

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