Saturday 22 January 2011

It's late, dear readers, so I'll keep it brief.

Tonight, I organised another episode of 'Just a Minute', which is a direct crib of the radio version, complete with the theme music, and that seemed to go down well. It's amazing how Sumerfieldians can talk when they're asked to - and even if when they're not ..... !

As for things Newtonian, well, the film was 'Rock School', which many of the rezzies greatly enjoyed, and for others the thing to do was to relax in the upstairs common room. Indeed, just before Casulaty I went up to ensure that all was well, and it was, I have to say, a picture of contentment, with two at the computer, one sprawled in the big armchair, and the rest on the 'sofa' (a spare bed), watching the telly.

Tomorrow is, of course, another day, and mine starts with the leading of worship at the United Reformed Church in Summertown, while all the LMs are here, happily enjoying a bit of free time. I don't doubt that the model railway room will be in full swing, and I'm very glad to report that this initiative seems to have been a signal success. Some can't see the point, and imagine that train nerds like us have gone off the rails, but it's easy to catch such cynics off guard. So we shall station ourselves in the railway room and I'll continue to train up our new recruits.

These posts get worse. Sorry.

If your LM is at home with you, I hope you're having a lovely time: here, all is well.

Goodnight. Oh, by the way, I'd like to thank you for your entries for the parrot-naming competition - or at least, I would if I'd received any - and tell you that winning answer would have been Isaiah.

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