Wednesday 26 January 2011

This, dear friends, is post number 298. So this means that number 300 will need to wait until after Short Leave, or, as you will have already calculated, you'll have to log on to an extraordinary post (no change there, then) from deepest Dorset. The thing is, I'm due to take the choir practice at a church just outside Bridport that night (they want me to take over as organist and Master of the Choristers when I leave SF at the end of next academic year), so it may be a bit later than usual. And yes, we do have computers down there. One of the farmhands (and we know about them and their frumbling ways) puts the coal in every two hours.

Talking of such things as broadband speeds, what I've never understood is when people (who pretend to know such things) say that their broadband is 'five times faster', what DO they mean? Five times faster than what? It seems to me, Luddite that I am (although my younger colleagues are always amazed to learn that Grandpa has a Twitter account and can text), that there is no starting point. I mean, your broadband speed could be 'three times faster' than mine (although mine's pretty speedy) or vice versa. So, so what? No, I don't get that. And there's a jolly good letter to the Telegraph today, from a bloke in Kenya, about such things. Worth a read.

I was asked tonight whether the rezzies could watch 'The Nail Biting Match'. Imagining, wrongly, that our minimalist Sky package incorporated Sky Sports, I said yes. Unfortunately it doesn't, so they couldn't see it after all. Fortunately, they're a very forgiving lot. And anyway, what's they joy in watching people biting their nails? No, seriously, I did try to upgrade, but I couldn't find our PIN, and the only person I knew who had it was Hannah C, and she was at a celebratory 'do' in X'ian, the local (excellent) Chinese place in Summertown. (Btw, if you're looking for somewhere to lunch on Friday, try X'ian, and tell Gary, the owner, that I sent you. Discounts have been known.)

It's been a lovely evening here tonight, and all is well. Mrs C's sister is off to NZ tomorrow: perhaps they'll call in to see my rival blogmeister! (On the other hand ...... )


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