Friday 28 January 2011

So here we are, then: the 300th post.I said I'd do something different, and this, my friends, is it. I'm sitting at my computer in West Dorset, having successfully led a Bridport choir through their service schedule for Sunday, and they were, as always, most appreciative. They also give out Quality Streets at the end of every rehearsal, so that's another reason for going.

As for tomorrow, well, it'll be a 'somewhat relaxed' start to the day, and then, subject to weather conditions being clement, I shall mount my trusty motorbike and take it for a spin around the locality, endeavouring not to instil too much fear into the more senior members of the community, one of whom I am due to become in the not-too-distant.Not exactly earth-shatteringly spectacular, I know, but just a small way of celebrating.

Normal service will be resumed on Sunday night. For now, though,I will wish you a wonderful weekend - and


There: I told you it would be different.

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