Tuesday 18 January 2011

Honestly. Sometimes I really do think that television dramas are so far-fetched. Holby tonight, for example: a fat bloke who lies on his bed, surrounded by attentive staff, bossing people around, generally making a nuisance of himself and writing a blog that he imagines is read by thousands around the globe. Get real.

Am I grumpy tonight, just because of hyperbolic (you have to be careful how you say that) storylines? No, I'm not. Well, actually, yes I am, because when I went to collect our daughter, Hannah, from Oxford station, I put the telly on hold, assuming that Mrs C and I would be able to enjoy Holby together on our night off, and what happens? The wretched Sky Plus thingy gives the programme the chop, 40 minutes in. Oh well, I suppose we'll have to watch it on iPlayer.

As for things Newtonian, well, my splendid assistant lodgemeister, Mr Bryan, has been on duty tonight, assisted by the very able Miss Alex, so we've been entirely confident that all has been well, well. (Rather too many wells in that sentence, methinks.) That, of course, is teacher-euphemism for 'I haven't got a clue what's been going on, but they haven't been rioting, so I'm sure everything's been under control'.

I caught up with Tom C, on Skype, this evening. All seems to be going as we'd wish, and he's now thinking about his digs for next year. Upon asking him where he imagined his student quarters might be located, he opined that Russell Square would be nice. Yes, very. And if he imagines that anyone of my readers might have a spare house lying around there that they might care to offer to a bunch of arty-farty SOAS students, I suspect he's more likely to have moved into an address that features in Cloud-Cuckoo Land. And even if they did, I suspect that any inspection thereof during the time of occupancy would result in the owner suffering instant catatonic shock.

I took Isla for a walk at Wytham this afternoon, it being a Tuesday. Mrs C wasd engrossed in entry test papers. I think I preferred the long straw through which I was walking, rather than the short one she drew.

Wednesday tomorrow: I may see some of you here. Until then, then,


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