Saturday 25 September 2010

Greetings, one and all.

Not much to report tonight, as I was giving an organ and piano recital in a church in Warwickshire, leaving Mrs C to do the biz, along with Miss Chloe and the Misses C. I did get back in time to say goodnight and turn the lights out, so no-one really noticed that I wasn't around - at least, they were too polite to say so if they did. Or, more likely, they couldn't care less anyway.

The recital seemed to go quite well, other than the organ's development of a cipher minutes before the show, but I managed to get round that one by ensuring that I didn't go anywhere near the rogue stop. Widor's Toccata was a tad quiet, perhaps, but then where did they think they were? Salisbury Cathedral? (I have, in fact, played it there, which was most enjoyable.) (And in the Cathedral of St John the Divine, New York. And now I'm just showing off.)

I dared to give part of Tchaicovsky's Ist Piano Concerto an airing, too, which was almost foolhardy (a useful synonym for 'daft'), but actually it seemed to go fairly well. Anyway, I enjoyed myself, and so did my audience, it seemed, especially in the amazing buffet supper afterwards, which enabled everyone to recover.

There were masses of prospectives here this morning, and all seemed to go well. If you were one, or two, of the guests, I hope you felt that things went smoothly, and that you were suitably impressed by the luncheon that was offered, as I was. I must say, and it's good to see that the calibre of vino seems to have gone up a notch or two, too. (Mind you, Oddbins' plonk is not that bad.) (If you're desperate.)

That's it for now, folks - but not before I thank all of you who so very kindly phoned last night to offer duvetorial transportation. Next time I put out an SOS I'll endeavour to give the Newton number and not that of Cottage. (I do know it, you know.)

Gute Nacht.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings from a follower who attended the gathering of PLM 2011. The team put on another excellent display of many facets of life at SF. Amongst the crowd I spotted at least one Year 3 day boy father taking a very keen interest in the facilities at both Borva and Savages. In addition to fine weather we were served a fine feast accompanied by some excellent wine. However mention has to be made of the fruit sushi which turned out to be wedges of cold rice pudding garnished with slices of kiwi fruit. It brought back not so happy memories of boarding school fare although in my day it was never called sushi and it was certainly not topped with anything that resembled a slice of fruit. After luncheon a few PLMs ventured out to the Far Fields to witness comprehensive wins by both the Colts C and Under 9As teams. Yet again there were notable performances in the Colts C match by several Newtonians including a very polished performance by the keeper who seldom touched the ball despite the best efforts of GIJP who had been relegated from his usual 1st XI duties. I am not sure whether it was the final score line or the threat of fruit sushi that encouraged the visitors to take an early shower, forego their match tea and head off home.
