Friday 10 September 2010

Evening all.

Well, that's a first: I had to express my disapproval to a resident who clearly has designs on becoming Poet Laureate, as he decided that he would address one of his fellow Newtonians as 'Skiver Godiva', following the latter's (imagined) non-appearance in the showers. That was quite enough of that, thank you very much. He can save such sobriquetic (w.o.t.n.) references for his English classes, where they will be encouraged, no doubt!

Apples and biscuits featured for the first time this term tonight, and upon learning that one of the LMs had not realised this, I enquired of him whether he would like one, two, or three biscuits. Following his positive response, I could not, of course, forbear from uttering 'Crumbs!', which resulted in an appreciatively polite chortle from the assembled company. (And an air-drum-roll from one, complete with cymbal crash on the final beat.)

As for the in-house entertainment tonight, that was of a very similar form to that of last night, with the addition of a splendid board game that could be played by one if required - which, indeed, it was - called 'Rush Hour'. As it was car-based, and I happen to be petrol-headed, as I note that one of you is, too, I could not do otherwise than approve wholeheartedly. (I continue to await the arrival of my Aston Martin, and will sit expectantly by the hearth on Christmas Eve, but I suspect such waiting will be to no avail.) (Still, I did get to drive one last term, when an erstwhile and now very successful former pupil came back to see me for the day!)

And now they're all fast asleep. Of course. Until tomorrow - when it will be film night, accompanied by sweet rations!

1 comment:

  1. Based on the posted timings of your recent epistles we are a little troubled to find that Newtonian Time seems to be at least 8 hours behind BST. In the meantime we are enjoying a glass of something refreshing in lieu of Saturday sweet rations to the accompaniament of the Last Night of the Proms.
