Saturday 11 September 2010

And there I was, imagining that it is I who am the most hypersensitive person on the planet. Er, no. I think not. Tonight I've been required to console several Newtonians who have been in need of such consolation, the last of whom was much saddened by an acerbic verbal volley conerning his greatly beloved teddies. And I don't blame him for being so upset, either. I gently suggested to the purveyor of such acrimony that Newtonians don't behave in such a way, because personal possessions are very precious - and he wouldn't like it if someone else had been unkind about something that was very special to him. He agreed, and voluntarily went away from his friendly but firm reprimand to apologise. Good boy.

Talking of which, I reminded a couple of others that Mrs C and I are richly blessed in being allowed the great privilege of looking after your most precious possessions - and I meant it. Without wishing to become too sentimental about that sort of thing, it does us no harm to remember just what a position of trust we are in.

Our daughter, Hannah, is out on the lash (as they say) tonight, although I suspect that it will be more of a 'lashette', in view of the fact that she's using her bike and she's very sensible. Before she went out, she discovered that her rear cycle light wasn't working. Mrs C had the answer. "Ask A*** to have a look at it," she advised. She did so, and of course, A*** had it fixed in no time. I do wish I could do things like that: I'm completely abenorsic. (w.o.t.n. And a real one!)

I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that it's the Last Night of the Proms tonight, which caused a real conundrum, as Mrs C and I are both Casulaty (which I still can't type properly - see last year's entries) and music fans. Still, it wasn't too difficult, because the boys were watching 'Cheeky by the Dozen', so we were able to watch Casulaty (!!!) and then switch over to L N O t P after that, before turning off the lights.

"Sir, we're missing P**** ." I told P**** that his dorm were missing him and he made haste in returning from the bathroom, to a round of applause .... !

I hope you'rer having a good weekend. We are.


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