Sunday 19 September 2010

Good evening, all, and I hope you've all had a very enjoyable weekend. As we have. It was good to meet up with some of you, and if I didn't see you, then I hope we'll be able to catch up very soon.

I must tell you that the nightly hit rate has gone up from 24 to 46 in the last few nights, so if someone's evangelising Bloggism then thank you very much, and if someone is simply spending his or her time clicking on the link, then it's very comforting to me, but I can think of better ways of passing the time ... ! I've also discovered that I can log on to a map which shows me the locations at which NFN is being read, and that's fascinating! A good number of hits from Russia, apparently, and several from Japan! So if that's you, then may I convey greetings to wherever it is you may be.

Tonight has been dominated by X-Factor, and all was fine (if rather rowdy) until one resident decided that such were his venomous opinions of the person who seemed to be in the lead that he lobbed a slipper at the television screen. His timing was impeccable, as the projectile came into contact with the screen at exactly the moment I walked into the room. I was not, as they say, pleased. I wasn't beastly or anything, but I was, I admit, firm, and suffice it to say that the danger of being hit by a flying slipper while passing through the Clubhouse is, once again, minimal. Talking of slippers, I do think the Holy Father's loafers are very cool. (I'm now trying to think of a stupid pun as to where one might be able to acquire such footwear. Maybe by the end of this post.)

The winners of the dorm tidiness competition this week were Osprey, who get collectively to share (split infinitive deftly avoided there, note) a box of Celebrations. I did my best to fool the occupants (the boys, not the chocs) into believing that they were for me and not them, but it didn't work.

I'm now being called for supper, so that's it for tonight. More tomorrow, though - complete with pun if I can think of one.



  1. It is indeed most encouraging to note a 92% increase in the number of blog hits. Perhaps this may have been the result of a number of LM's returning home at the weekend keen to bring themselves up to date with the latest thoughts of Chairman C. However this probably does not account for the international hits from Russia and Japan. Let us hope in due course you detect a similar increase in the number of your true disciples (followers). Good night from one of your committed followers who last week was temporarily ensconced in Meadow Quad Christ Church. Whilst there I noticed that despite the close proximity of Great Tom to SF it does not seem to chime Newtonian time. However on my return home we duly toasted your & Mrs C's health with a glass or two of bubbles to mark your latest news. Perhaps a box of Celebrations might have been more apposite. Mrs C will be able to enlighten you if any explanation of our joy is considered necessary. It would appear that the transmission time of this comment is 1510 Newtonian time or 2310 BST. That puts Newton somewhere in California.

  2. PS to earlier comment. Having checked the land of ebay it is possible to acquire Benedict XVI Roseary Beads, a UK Tour 2010 Holiness Scarf, shoping bag, keyring or commemorative t-shirt. Sadly no sign of any Papal loafers. Perhaps a possible item for your Father Christmas letter?
