Monday 27 September 2010

Brazil, Romania and Turkey are, it seems, where parts of this blog's global audience reside, according to the stats, so, if that is you, dear Follower in distant lands, Greetings - and thanks for reading.

Tonight, back here in the homeland, the hillock that I told you about last night was, I imagined, disappearing. Not a bit of it. Just when I thought the Digestive mountain was eroding to a point of complete crumbliness, Miss Chloe opened a cupboard door in the laundry, and there were another dozen packets! Not only that, but packets of Bourbons as well! I did try to sneak out an illicit Digestive, but unfortunately the decoy I tried to engineer wasn't quite on the same wavelength, so I got caught by the Fuhrerine. (She didn't spot the Bourbon, though ..... !)

Oh my goodness, what a 48 hours (if you can have 'a' 48 hours) we've had with Tom C and his start to his university days! Suffice it to say that he ended up sleeping in a common room last night, and had it not been for the invaluable and kind assistance of a family who follow this blog, he'd probably be spending tonight in a field. So a public thank you, for all your help. I hope that he and his duvet are now re-united, and that he can sleep in the accommodation for which someone (he, at the moment, rather pleasingly) has handed over a few quid.

I was running my fingers over the ivories tonight, during a calm lodge moment, and to my delight one particular resident wandered into our drawing room and enquired, 'Sir, do you write your own songs?'

'Yes,' I replied with alacrity and played a couple of them. I'm actually trying to write one for my god-daughter at the moment - well, not at the moment, obviously, as I writing this - and it seems to be taking shape. Slowly. I hope it will be completed by Christmas. Anyway, it was nice of H**** to ask. (I bet you're wondering which one, now .... ! )

It's very quiet in the 'private side': all of our children are back in their respective institutions. No problem, though, as we have 24 of yours on loan. And very lovely they are, too.

Goodnight from a calm and peaceful Newton.

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