Wednesday 28 September 2011

My friends, this has been a great day - and a lovely evening. It's amazing to me to see early indicators of future success, and I can see such promise when one of our member turns his attention to the collecting of laundry and doing-up of same. You probably think that's daft, but trust me: if that boy doesn't realise his potential in due course - I don't know how yet - then I'll be amazed. So many of your young show me, on a daily basis, that they have wonderful potential, and it's a great joy to me and to Mrs C to think that we are able to play just a small part in helping to bring that out.

I had a delightful hour or so in the staff room annexe that is Joe's wine bar in Summertown, with my friends Mr Bryan and Mr Ives, during which I was able to express tangibly my appreciation to the former for his first-rate assistance as sport editor for the annual magazine and to initiate Mr Ives into the ways of window-dressing. (There's an hour window between 6.30 and 7.30 when lodgemasters can take an hour out.)

I held an impromptu lodge meeting this evening, wherein I reviewed the term so far, and I told the LMs that after a fairly excitable start (the thrill of being in Newton, of course), they'd all calmed down and were now plulling together as a really lovely team. They all seemed to take it all on board, sat silently listening and nodding appreciatively; many offered a thank you. I wouldn't have had that in MI - erm - wot'eva.

Thank YOU, so much, for your support and your enthusiastic appreciation of my nightly ramblings: I really appreciate it - and all of your lovely boys have been terrific.

Have a really wonderful weekend. Mrs C and I are off to Dorset - and I am determined to get the old girl going this time.

No, the motorbike, I mean.


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