Friday 16 September 2011

Greetings, dear Followers, wherever you may be, scattered around the globe as you are! My 'stats' page tells me that you are as far away as Brazil, India, Japan and many other places, too, so welcome, one and all.

Sorry I didn't write anything last night; it was our other night off, you see, and Mr Porter was on duty, doing an excellent job, as always. I used to write about such non-fascinating things as that which I could hear through the wall, etc., but no-one was very interested in that, so I think that I will abandon reports on Tuesdays and Thursdays, unless something of great import should crop up.

You know how I was telling you about my convos with woolly beasts, and how such dialogues were somewhat one-sided? Well, that's all changed now, as tonight I enjoyed speaking to a mechanical (and slightly woolly) cat that spoke back to me. No, I haven't been drinking: it really did. The owner was more than a little taken aback when, having left the aforementioned animal on his bed while he showered, he returned to hear said cat saying 'You have a blue .... ' !!

It was sheet and pyjama change day today, which meant that all sheets and pyjamas were handed in this morning, and 'what I call bedmaking' happened tonight - with differing degrees of success. Yes, I thought you'd be fascinated by that.

There's more. Apple juice, bourbons, jammy dodgers (the biscuits, not the Newtonians who tried to skive showering) and fruit all made for a harmonious evening. Except for the slightest of altercations which occurred when one party decided that another had been using the UCR computer for rather a longer time than was acceptable.

On the whole, though, another lovely evening.

Happy days.


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