Saturday 24 September 2011

I dunno. Intrigue, poor professionalism, complacency, illness and a major fight. Not good. Still, enough about tonight's episode of Casulaty: back to things Newtonian.

James Bond has been the order of the evening, and even about a hundred years after he first appeared, Sean Connery still manages to draw the audience. Sweet rations went down well, and they were rapidly guzzled throughout the film, and the dog managed to creep in and take up a particularly comfortable position on the floor.

It's been quite a day today, with the prospective parents all here this morning (rather sad to think that neither Mrs C nor I will ever know their offspring); a successful set of results this afternoon and then a really delightful concert tonight, given by the Bassano family. It was truly splendid, and, as the HM said, many boys will have been inspired by the music that was so superbly performed by such a musical family.

We have all three of our own young with us this weekend, pre-uni, and so we all enjoyed a last supper tonight, which was entertaining, witty and fun. Summer comes to an end, though, tomorrow, when they all return to their various new homes. (Tom C signed his contract this afternoon for his London domain, and moves in tomorrow afternoon .... !)

Anyway, that's the lie of the land from this corner of the world tonight, and the film has just ended, so I will bid you


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