Saturday 10 September 2011

I nearly went apoplectic. No, don't worry, it wasn't with any of your own offspring, but mine. Last Night of the Proms, Lang Lang playing Liszt's Piano Concerto, amazing performance, note perfect. Do I think it is enhanced by my son and heir preparing and then consuming a vast plate of spag bol? No, I do not. Top music scholar that he is (sorry to brag) I really could have done without the rotating spoon and the incessant slurping. Mrs C tried very hard to keep the equilibrium, but eventually I exploded with everyone in sight (Mrs C, son and Isla, who seemed impervious to the beauty of the performing arts) and was then able to enjoy the last movement in peace. Well, a sort of uneasy peace. You know the sort.

Enough of my own family issues. Your LMs have been tremendous tonight: they watched 'Night at the Museum II', and they were brilliant. Perhaps I should have invited them to watch what we were watching .......

Amusement was caused by my falling down the three steps between our snug and our drawing room, and everyone who was there (of whom there were three, including our daughter, Hannah) thought it was extremely entertaining. Ho ho ho, and yes, I'm fine, thanks. The whole incident was reported on the phone by one LM who was in hysterics as he regaled his parents with his crazy lodgmeister's antics .... !

All is well, and everyone's fine. Even me.

Until tomorrow,


PS: Fortunately for me, my son and heir has developed a tremendous sense of humour, and managed to keep us in a state of quasi-hysterical laughter throughout the last part of the LNOTP. Some of it is, actually, ridiculous, I must admit.

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