Wednesday 14 September 2011

Goodness! For all kinds of reasons I feel as if I've been through the emotional wringer tonight: massive highs and one or two sadnesses which I've had the privilege of sharing with some. Such, though, is the mosaic that is a lodgemaster's life - and I wouldn't have it any other way. How I shall miss it. I shoould tell you, however, that football-wise, we've had the most amazing afternoon, winning almost every match, and the HM has been very buoyant all evening .... ! Tremendous successes, with many goals being scored by Newtonians!

It's been a lovely evening tonight, with all LMs being wonderful company. TV for some, and games a-plenty for the non-viewers; with Bourbon biscuits and loads of fruit, as well as apple juice for all. One lovely LM, seeing that I was bourbonless, turned around, went back to the laundry (whence the same were being dispensed) and brought me one. Good move, that, and much appreciated, as you-know-who couldn't see my illegal guzzling, so I got away with that one.

Strangely (and unusually) I haven't actually been chatting with woolly mammoths and the like tonight, but I wasn't allowed out of one dorm before I'd said goodnight to Boris the Bat, or whatever he is.

I do apologise if you logged on last night and found the Newtonian cupboard to be bare: in fact,, Mrs C and I didn't in fact go out, but I had a delightful evening discussing Shakespeare's writings, with our amazing head of English and great friend, Dr Paul Dean. Brilliant, he is, with a doctorate in Renaissance Lit, and it's always a joy to escape for an hour or so and, over a flagon of top-class vino at the Summertown Wine Cafe, discuss erudite topics at uni level. He's just reviewed a learned tome, and the review is about to be published, so I felt deeply flattered to be asked for my opinion! I'm just a mere research fellow - and that's in ethnomusicology, which I can just about spell, let alone pontificate learnedly about. (Well, I could for a bit.)

Goodnight - from a happy and contented (and, at this moment, silent) Newton.

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