Thursday 22 September 2011

ILOP. Yes, that's right, ILOP. I don't suppose that will mean much to any of you, but it does here - now, because that's the word that some bright spark thought up to abbreviate 'Individual Lights Out, Please'. That's what I used to say, until tonight, but now we've decided to abbreviate, so ILOP it is.

Of course, this being Summer Fields, a simple abbreviation like that wouldn't quite coupe le moutarde, as our French cousins might have it, because an even brighter spark decided that ILOPASAP was a much better and more comprehensive version; it standing (or should that be a gerund, i.e.: its standing) for 'Individual Lights Out, Please, As Soon As Possible'. This caused a bit of an issue, however, as we had to soften the I to make it sound more plausible.

By now, dear Followers, you will probably be imagining that your correspondent has lost the plot, or is going a little peculiar. Not at all. All I would add is that the aforementioned spark who suggested the extended version then thought that it would be a good idea to try and put it in the Dative case.


Anyway, tonight we were graced by the presence of Miss D.C., who, in her position as Senior Matron, decided to do a tour of duty. As always, it was a pleasure to see her, and your LMs were very welcoming and respectful.

We were also treated to some fine piano playing tonight, in the presence of our guest, which was much appreciated. My baby grand played host to several pairs of hands; with sounds made by same that was of variable quality.

As for the pink biscuits, well, they were as good as they always are.

Time to go, methinks.


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