Thursday 8 September 2011

You might have guessed. After I signed off last night, there was a knock on our interlinking door, and three concerned Ospreyites coming in, in a state of great anxiety, to tell me that 'Sir! X is locked in the vins and can't get out!' So off I toddled to the vins in question to release the captive, which I managed without let or hindrance. I just leaned on the door and invited X to turn the lock clockwise, which he did, and he emerged, looking as if he'd conquered Everest. Of course, the rescue team were equally proud of themselves and went back to bed feeling that a job had been well done. (So to speak.)

Tonight, Mr Porter has been on duty, but we felt that as this was just the second night of term, we ought to be in evidence. So we hovered, and all was very well. I enquired of a number of residents what mark out of ten they would give their day, and I was greatly heartened to learn that most would give nine, or nine and a half. There was an eight, but that was revised upwards on reflection.

For some reason, the showers decided to drop cold water to begin with tonight, which didn't go down (well, it did, of course) very well - except upon one hardy soul who informed me, with a shrug, that he actually 'rather likes cold showers'. I do, in fact, myself, from time to time, and that goes back to my own prep school days of the 1960s. (Yes, I really am that old.) (But I can text, and I do have a Facebook account, so I'm still young at heart.)

Anyway, they're all happy, it seems, and our lovely newcomers are quickly getting used to it all. So until tomorrow night,


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