Wednesday 7 September 2011

Good evening, dear Friends (the 'f' is capitalised because you're all very special people) and welcome to the first post of this year's edition of the Newton Blog! It's a great pleasure to welcome you all aboard, and to tell you that this is where you will learn all about the evening's activities in this happy SF residence. I have three simple rules: no names, no photos and no links. Of course, sometimes, by a simple process of deduction, you'll be able to tell who (sorry, whom) I'm talking - writing - about, but basically, names are verboten.

Tonight has been great. We started with a lodge meeting, in which Mrs C, Miss Alex and I were able to orientate our newcomers, and to introduce them to Isla, our wonderful black lab, who, as you can imagine, was the star of the show and who managed to nuzzle her way into the centre of the proceedings.

Everyone seems very happy to be reunited, and those who are new to Newton all seem to have settled without issue, which is tremendous. I'm sure we'll have one or two who may come and see us during the night, but that's fine, and we've told them to come and find us if they feel they want a little reassurance. It'll all be a bit strange for a couple of days, but I'm sure they will soon settle and all will be well. Just at the moment, from where I'm typing, they're all going quickly and quietly to sleep. And just in case you need reassurance yourselves, between the last paragraph and this one I went to check.

Until tomorrow night, then, I will bid you


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