Friday 8 July 2011

So this is it, then. Another Newtonian year draws to a close, and it's one that Mrs C and I will look back on with much affection. Laughter, tears, successes - triumphs, even -, disappointments, idiocy (usually initiated by your correspondent, viz: 'I don't mind you being silly as long as I'm being silly', and other such daft quotes), it's all been part of the whole, and the main ingredient of the whole has been FUN! I always said that when the job stops being fun then I would give up, so with just one year to go, I'm optimistic about next year, especially as the LMs that will be with us came and 'bonded' with their new lodge (and lodgemeister and ubergrupenfuhrerine) this afternoon. They seem so very young now, but, like your NSLMs, they will be ready to move on when the year has passed.

Tonight we've all packed, enjoyed edible rewards in the form of Heroes, and some other lovely treats supplied by Miss Alex, and now everyone is watching the remainder of the film that, for reasons best forgotten, was put on hold on Saturday night. Actually, there were only seven minutes left, which was a tad embarrassing, so now they've selected The Golden Compass, and that seems to be going down very well.

So there we are. That, dear Followers, is that. Thank you all for your loyal following, and thank you, too, for your huge support throughout the year. We've loved having every single one of your LMs, and I hope that they will all have another great year, wherever they go, next year.


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