Tuesday 5 July 2011

See? I told you there was more to the relationship between Mr Hansen and Zahira Shaa. I know it's all meant to be complicated, what with him being the director of surgery and she being his protegee, etc, but I suppose the irony is that, for all the complications, their liaison is really very simple. Fascinating stuff. That's the stuff of CE themes when the topic for the year is 'relationships'! (It's 'conflict' this year: equally apposite!)

We were going to have our lodge party tonight, but didn't, due to inclement weather conditions. (Have you ever heard anyone talk about 'clement' weather conditions?) We'll therefore have it on Thursday evening - although don't tell the LMs, please.

Hard to believe that another Newtonian year is coming to a close: this one has been very special, with a lovely dynamic throughout.

Mr Bryan has been on duty tonight, and all has been well, notwithstanding a text from him from the other side of the wall, in which he requested that Tom' s private rave (he was learning Bach's D minor Toccata on the bass guitar, as you do, and was, perhaps, a little generous with the volume control) might operate a tad more gently. Loyal son that he is, he acquiesced immediately.


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