Thursday 7 July 2011

Greetings, dear Followers, for the penultimate time this year - and a very warm welcome to our latest new Full Follower, Paddy by name, who is known well to me because he's an amazing journalist and a thoroughly bon oeuf. (Quite how he's managed to locate this blog is beyond my comprehension, but I'm 100 per cent sure that phone-hacking is as far from his modus operandi as I am from the moon.)

The lodge party seems to have been a huge success, with all the nibbles, sausage rolls, mini-sausages, Crunchie-bites and Sprites that go to make up SF lodge dos. (You see, there's a case where an aberrant apostrophe would actually assist with comprehension, but I will, of course, desist, otherwiseI shall lose all credibility with those nice journalistic friends of mine, and the offers from the DT and others will dry up.)

I made a very brief, but I hope sincere, speech, thanking everyone, and incorporating the fact that Alice C has emerged from her annus horribilis as deputy head of house and a school prefect, which is testimony both to her tenacity, the amazing support we've had from the HM and his staff, and the kind thoughts and words that we have received from you, dear Followers. And while I never mention names on this blog, the school is Milton Abbey, and the HM's name is Mr Gareth Doodes - and he's brilliant. And yes, you can quote me.

Mr Porter took over after the party, and did another fine job, and it is only right and fitting that I should thank him and Mr Bryan for all that they do for me and for Newton. I couldn't wish for two more conscientious colleagues as my deputies, nor could I wish for a better gapper-matron than Miss Alex, who, sadly, is ill at the moment and was unable to join us.

But of course, the real star of the show is Mrs C, who remains the steadfast rock she's always been, and without whom none of us males would have much of a clue. In this, our 30th year of marriage, I know, more than ever, just how fortunate I am.


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