Wednesday 2 November 2011

"Sir, sir! We just scoffed our faces with Monster Munch!" was my pre-silent reading valediction tonight. So that's good then.

"Sir, sir! Make sure you write a good blog tonight: my mum reads it every night!" was another.

Well, I can't speak/write for the quality of this bloglog, but I hope it will bring you happiness, not least when I tell you that I was asked by Mr Porter to manage the Colts Ds this afternoon, and that we (ha! 'we'!) won 13 - 1. Once I've written up tonight's post I shall be composing my letter to the Director of Sport, seeking promotion to the upper eschelons of sport management, of course. (I did actually once apply to be the manager of Southampton FC (no, really, I did) and received a very generous reply, saying that perhaps a rookie manager was not exactly the person for whom they were looking, but it was nice even to get a reply.)

Anyway, it's been a lovely night, with everyone being co-operative and charming, and with plenty of camaraderie and repartee. The rezzies were amused, as they always are, by the fact that when I bellow 'Silent Reading!', the dorm doors, which are noise sensitive (for some reason that is beyond me) close automatically.

So, sporting-wise it's been a good day, with many positive results, and Newtonianally it's been a really happy evening. And you know what?I can't hear a word.

Time for Frozen Planet, methinks.


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