Sunday 20 November 2011

Good evening, and welcome back, after what I hope has been a most enjoyable weekend - and especial greetings to those of you who have joined us in the UAE, Brazil and Ukraine!

We spent day celebrating a friend's 50th birthday, over in Hertfordshire, which was great. He's a headmaster, and he's godfather to our daughter Alice and his wife is godmother to a junior Ives, so the six of us, who used all to be colleagues together when we were working at Papplewick, were reunited, as we often are. Much laughter ensued, and we enjoyed a terrific meal. Of course, we were all sensible, responsible (which has taken me three goes to type correctly) and abstemious. (Of course.)

Tonight I was asked if I could find one of our company a 'like tweezer like thing'. I confess that I couldn't, but when I've located one such, I will let you like know. He had a like splinter thingy in his foot, you see, and he like wanted to like remove it. (I always tell my own offspring to replace the word 'like' with 'similar', and see how that sounds. It seems to similar work.)

Big thank yous are due to the one among you who kindly transported our daughter for us: it was very, very kind, and earned the text message which read, 'X's mother is so, so nice!' So, thank you. Mrs C and I really appreciated your help.

Twixes, crisps and fruit all played their part tonight, as did Messrs Clarkson, Hammond and May, and while it's been a lively evening, it's been great fun, too.

Exams they are a-looming, so we will keep an eye out for any pre-test jitters, but I'm sure they'll all be fine. I shall probably be more anxious than any of the rezzies, worrying about whether I've printed out enough question papers, or whether I'm going to meet the marking deadlines - or something .....

All is well.


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