Wednesday 30 November 2011

'Sir! I did my music exam today!'

'Excellent! Well done! How did it go?'

'Oh, OK, I think'.

'Did you have nice examiner?'

'He was OK.'

'Young? Old?'

'Er, old-ish. About your age, sir.'

So that's good, then, is it not. Could have been worse. Still, I felt rejuvenated when one of your LMs came up to me, just before silent reading and said 'Sir, you're like a dad to me'. That made my evening.

There was great glee among those involved in the Play tonight, when they returned to lodge, as they wasted no time in regaling us with the details of the crash landing into the doghouse! Mrs C and I will be going to see it tomorrow, but I doubt whether anything quite as exciting will happen then. Apparently, it's terrific, and we can't wait to see it, especially with a number of Newtonians in it.

Wednesday night is TV night, as you know, and we all opted for the Top Gear Polar Trek episode, which went down very well, as did the bourbons, pink wafers, fruit and apple juice. Oh yes, and I meant to tell you: last Thursday, in the HM's drawing room, where we all gather on that day for Break, there was, finally, a biscuit upgrade! The Newton Blog has done it again, and the selection of cookies that accompanied our (real) coffee was superb. I'm looking forward to tomorrow already.

Nearly Short Leave.


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