Tuesday 15 November 2011

I know it's Tuesday, and that there isn't usually a bloglog, but I just wanted to thank those of you who wrote in to tell me that my ageing memory is not failing me and that there really was a Coke and ice cream concoction all those years ago, and that it was called a Coke Float over here, but by a different name across the Pond. I heard first that it was called a 'spider' over there, but as one of you had already written, telling me about its name over there, and that it wasn't a 'spider', I began to wonder whether I'd need to exercise diplomatic skills that I might have learnt from a different life. Within minutes, though, I received another message, in which my correspondent told me that, in fact, it was called a 'spider' in the southern hemisphere and not across the Atlantic; Australia and New Zealand, to be precise. So, Miss Alex, you can confirm - or not. Actually, you probably can't, because you've probably never heard of such things .... !

Anyway, I'm most grateful for your contributions, as I am to the 38 of you who tuned in last night - and may I welcome our new Follower from Hungary, who my stats tell me has joined us.

I think I'm going to wallow in nostalgia and make a coke float. Personal, social and health education. Well, not really education, other than a bit of history. Not really social, either, as I don't expect Mrs C will want one. Health? Er, no. Just personal, then.


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