Sunday 6 November 2011

For those of you who are interested in my inexorable quest to achieve 500 blogposts before the end of the academic year, and the time when I print the whole lot out and send it off to some unsuspecting published, this one is number 417. I still can't think of a suitable title, though; 500 Nights seems a bit tame to me. I did think of 500 (K)nights, but even though it sometimes sounds as if there are that many rezzies here sometimes, there aren't. Oh well, I'll go on thinking.

Today we had the Old Summerfieldians matches, first Eton v. Radley and then Old Boys versus the staff. I won't spoil the surprise for you, because if I did, you wouldn't need to read the Newsletter: that rival SF publication. (I used to work for a HM whose letterhead stated that letters were 'from the Headmaster's desk', which made me think that desks are pretty clever things if they can compose correspondence.) Anyway, it was great to see so many former pupils here, and how they have all grown into charming young men. For the most part.

As for things Newtonian, we were very fortunate to receive a batch of home-made chocolate cookies; made at home by one of our own - and scrumptious they were, too. And while I'm talking about chocolate, we had what I thought was a rather curious sermon in chapel, which seemed to consist of a delightful cleric handing out confectionery. I missed the theological foundation on which the address was based, but I'm sure I can get one of the boys to tell me tomorrow. (I have to confess that from where I was sitting, which was at the organ, I couldn't really hear much at all, but that's no fault of our visiting preacher.)

It's a joy to have our own young with us for the weekend, and so I'm now going to join them.

Enjoy Downton Abbey: last episode tonight.


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