Sunday 13 November 2011

80 posts to go until I reach the magic 500 mark .... ! Well, 79, after this one. I do appreciate your tuning in to this tiny part of cyberspace regularly, and it's nice to know, too, that my ramblings are read by ex-Newtonian parents as well as current ones.

Today has been long, but good. From getting the boys up and ready for the Service of Remembrance, to the service itself, in which both choirs sang and Mr Music Price and I shared the organ playing (well, he played the grand finale, because he's the boss) to the winding down of a busy day. Pleasingly, no-one chose to wind their lodgemeister up, and everything seemed very calm. Mr and Mrs Sparrow once again hosted a wonderful post-service get-together for the staff, and I found myself reflecting, not without a touch of sadness, that this was the last such day that Mrs C and I will have at SF.

As for tonight, Top Gear provided automibilian entertainment, and Club biscuits, as well as custard creams and bourbons provided sustenance. Liquid refreshment was available in the form of hot chocolate, which went down well, as it always does.

And now, if you know what the French for 'mother of pearl' is, that is what I am, when you translate it back into franglais, so that, dear friends, is that for tonight.


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